Despot’s Success Story (Developmental Delay)


Despot was born healthy and well, but he contracted bacterial meningitis in the first days of his life. Due to meningitis, Despot suffered damage to his brain, and the first months of his life were very difficult as he fought for his life.

He survived meningitis, but it was clear that he was delayed in his development due to brain injury. When his mother attended the Doman Method™ Course: From Special Needs to Wellness in September 2018, he was 2 years old. He was unable to move at all independently. After taking the Doman Method™ Course, his mother started him immediately on the Inclined Floor so he could begin the process of learning how to crawl. An essential part of the Doman Method™, the inclined floor allows a child to learn how to crawl as any movement the child makes allows them to move forward. After repeating this process many times, the child gains the ability to crawl with more ease, gains speed and moves with more confidence.

Over the process of 2 months using the Inclined Floor, he learned how to crawl on his belly for the first time. His family did patterning, a Doman Method™ program, to teach him how it feels to crawl correctly. Then he began to crawl all over his house. After months of crawling, he learned how to get up on his hands and knees and begin creeping. This year, Despot began the process of creeping for transportation around his house.

Crawling and creeping are huge “first steps” toward reaching the ultimate goal of walking. His family has worked hard, and are very excited that Despot is now mobile and can navigate his environment completely independently. In this video, you can see Despot enjoying his new ability. We are excited to see what Despot is able to do next!


Jacob Learns to Creep (Developmental Delay)


Jose’s Success! (Developmental Delay)