At 18-months old, Hassan started to lose his speech. He stopped interacting with his family and began isolating himself. He would scream, pull away and cry if someone touched his head. Hassan stopped seeking affection and support from his mom, Nahla, and no longer asked for her. He was not himself, and Nahla felt she was the only one who noticed the problem. He was later diagnosed with Autism.

Nahla learned about the Doman Method®, when Hassan was 3. The information empowered Nahla in many ways. She felt that she finally got the answers she had been searching for, and she knew exactly how to help Hassan through the Doman Method. Nahla immediately implemented the Doman Method program at home. She also taught him to read through the Doman Method Reading Program. 

Although Nahla had life-changing information, she soon realized that the Doman program proved harder to get started with all on her own. Additionally, when Hassan turned 5, he was enrolled in school, and his struggles increased in keeping up with his peers.

At 7-years old, after the worst school year so far, Nahla sought out Doman International for help. Nahla and Hassan came for their very first Advanced Doman Appointment with us in Philadelphia. At this point, Hassan could not sit still for more than 2-minutes and was very hyperactive. He was picky with the food he ate. His diet was limited to a handful of foods. Nahla shared that he had periods where he would go without eating as well. 

Hassan’s sleep was unpredictable. It could take hours for him to fall asleep, especially if he woke up in the middle of the night. He would grind his teeth most of the time. He was unable to interact much socially and was usually tuned out. 

Hassan would memorize and repeat long sentences he heard on the TV but could not have a simple conversation. Hassan had continued reading in all these years. But his disorganization and hyperactivity made it hard to determine the level of his reading comprehension and he wasn’t succeeding at school.

As part of his Advanced Doman Program, Hassan received a customized nutrition plan to help expand his diet. His mobility plan included crawling on his belly and creeping on hands and knees, along with the Patterning Program to help him move in a more organized way. The Doman Method Oxygenation Program was advised to help improve his language, understanding and attention. A cognitive and sensory program along with a speech enhancement program were designed to improve his comprehension and social interaction. 

As part of the Advanced Doman Program, Hassan’s family had a staff coach to guide them through the 6 months and received customized coaching from the Doman International team. Nahla was also able to update and enhance her knowledge of the Doman Method programs through the Advanced Online Courses, which are offered as part of the Advanced Program.

Hassan and Nahla recently came back for their second appointment with Doman International in Philadelphia at the end of their 6 month period. Hassan walked into our offices a completely different child. He was calm and quiet. He listened to his mom and waited patiently as she interacted with the Doman International staff. 

Within 6 months on the Advanced Doman Program, Hassan achieved major program goals. He can crawl upto 400 meters on his belly and creep on his hands and knees for 1200 meters in a day! At his evaluation, he could now run over 100 meters nonstop, giving him a running victory. 

Hassan and his mom make his homemade books together. He enjoys his reading program. Hassan also learned to type this period and can type in sentences. This is an essential skill to begin expressing his thoughts through written word. His accuracy with spellings, not only commends his reading comprehension, but gives him a writing victory!

Hassan’s spelling is excellent, rivaling his 15-year-old cousins, Nahla proudly shares. 

From a health standpoint, Hassan’s diet has expanded and he can eat a variety of food. His sleep is consistent and undisturbed. And he no longer grinds his teeth! 

Nahla feels enthusiastic about Hassan’s ability to speak. She shares that Hassan’s speech has started to come back. He talks in short sentences and can answer questions spontaneously and meaningfully. He also understands two languages and is learning a third from his brother! 

Nahla is relieved at how Hassan’s understanding and cooperation have improved. She shares that his hyperactivity decreased by 80%. This is one of the most remarkable changes for Hassan! He can now sit and enjoy an entire movie with his family, which he could not do before.  

We are so proud of Hassan’s achievements and congratulate his family, especially his mother, for their beautiful efforts!




Update: Ksenia pursues her dream to an artist (Autism)